Communication Program
We work with you to develop an employee communications plan that meets your needs and works within your organization’s culture. In today’s environment, information is critical to you and your staff. They need to know what your organization’s policies are and where your organization is going. When employees feel vulnerable (i.e. they feel no one is listening or responding to their problems; they hear that your organization may merge with another, or acquire another firm; or in bad economic times they fear downsizing, etc.), they react in many different ways. Turnover may increase and you end up losing some of your best employees due to the uncertainty, productivity may drop because staff is paralyzed with worry, and sometimes your employees consider joining a union for protection. Your employee communication strategies must be integrated with organizational objectives and provide employees with the important information they need to know. Our services can include: Handbooks and Policy Manuals - These written documents form the basis for information sharing with your employees. They must be clear and understandable, while specific enough to protect you in disputes over whether your employees were given the tools to know your expectations. We can review and update your current handbooks and policies, or write them from a review of your current practices. Focus Groups – We can provide small-group sessions for your employees to discuss their concerns in a confidential, supportive setting where they are guided to seek reasonable solutions to work issues. We then provide you with a synopsis and recommended action plan to address the concerns, as well as assisting you with follow-up strategies to assure employees that you want to hear their concerns and that you will act to address them. Employee Newsletter – Employee newsletters can be an excellent source of information for your staff. Do you currently have an employee newsletter? Is it meeting the needs of your employees? We work with you to update your current newsletter to make certain it is meeting the needs of your employees. If you don’t have a newsletter, we can help you get one started. Team Building – Ultimately, the majority of what an employee knows about his or her organization comes from their direct supervisor, or from rumors if that supervisor is failing to communicate. Building a work group into a team is the best way to insure that your employees feel “in the know” and are working together to make your company successful. We work with work groups to instruct them in becoming a team and continuing to work together, even through change and stress. |
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